(紐約.2021年9月16日) — 62個 香港及國際人權組織今天共同表示,香港政府應該撤銷針對每年都組織六四紀念晚會的民間團體領袖的所有指控。
2021年 9 月 9 日,香港律政司司長以「煽動顛覆國家政權」的罪名,起訴香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會(下稱支聯會)主席李卓人(64歲),副主席鄒幸彤(36歲) 及何俊仁(69歲)。 警方於 9 月 8 日逮捕鄒幸彤,而李卓人及何俊仁則早於今年四月及五月,已因其他社會行動入獄。鄒幸彤和支聯會的其他四名主要成員,包括鄧岳君(53歲)、梁錦威(36歲)、陳多偉(57歲)及徐漢光(72歲) ,同時被以「沒有遵從通知規定提供資料罪」,另案起訴,並被法官拒絕保釋。有關起訴違反了香港根據國際人權法所應承擔的義務,包括保障人民言論自由、結社自由及和平集會的權利。
「透過逮捕燭光晚會的籌辦者,北京和香港當局正在告訴全世界,他們不僅害怕最和平的抗議活動,而且也害怕他們自己殘酷的歷史。」人權觀察中國部主任索菲・理查森(Sophie Richardson)表示: 「他們應該結束這場政治迫害,立即撤銷指控,並釋放所有燭光晚會的籌辦者。」
(New York, September 16, 2021)— Hong Kong’s government should drop all charges against the leaders of the civic group that had been holding annual mass vigils commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre in China, 62 Hong Kong and international human rights groups said today.
On September 9, 2021, the Hong Kong justice secretary charged the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, the group’s chair Lee Cheuk-yan, 64, and the vice-chairs Chow Hang-tung, 36, and Albert Ho, 69, with “inciting subversion.” Police had arrested Chow on September 8, while Lee and Ho have been jailed for their activism since April and May, respectively. Chow, and four other leading members of the group, Tang Ngok-kwan, 53, Simon Leung, 36, Chan To-wai, 57, andTsui Hon-kwong, 72, are separately charged with “failing to comply with notice to provide information.” All five have been denied bail. The prosecutions violate Hong Kong’s obligations under international human rights law to respect the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly.
“By arresting vigil organizers, Beijing and Hong Kong authorities are telling the world they’re not only afraid of the most peaceful protests, but also of their own brutal past,” said Sophie Richardson, China. “They should end this political persecution and immediately drop the charges and release the vigil organizers.”
The charges of “inciting subversion” and “failing to comply with notice to provide information” are crimes under Hong Kong’s draconian National Security Law (arts. 23 and 43), which the Chinese government imposed on the city on June 30, 2020. The definitions of these offenses are overly broad and vague. “Subversion” criminalizes any act that seriously “interferes,” “disrupts,” or “undermines” the functioning of the Chinese or Hong Kong governments, a definition that can readily include peaceful protests.
The charges are part of Beijing’s escalating campaign against the Hong Kong Alliance, the organizer of the annual Victoria Park Vigil that commemorates the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre.
Until the Hong Kong police banned the vigils in 2020 and 2021, citing public health grounds, Hong Kong was the only place under Chinese sovereignty where the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre was publicly commemorated every year.
The government stepped up its intimidation campaign in 2021. On June 2, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department declared that the Alliance’s “June 4th Museum,” which focuses on the Tiananmen crackdown, had violated the law for not having a “public entertainment” permit, compelling the Alliance to temporarily close the museum.
On June 4, the police arrested Chow for “inciting unauthorized assembly” after she urged people to mark the Tiananmen Massacre by lighting candles. The police also blocked off the park and stationed thousands of officers throughout the city to prevent protests.
In July, the Hong Kong Alliance laid off its staff and downsized its operations in anticipation of the government’s crackdown on the group. On August 25, police demanded the group’s membership and financial information in an investigation of its alleged “collusion with foreign powers.” After the group refused to provide the information, citing police misuse of power and lack of reasonable cause,the police again arrested Chow, along with the Alliance committee members.
On September 9, police raided the shuttered June 4th Museum and removed some of the exhibits, including photos of previous Victoria Park vigils and an oversized paper cutout of the Goddess of Democracy, a statue that had featured in the 1989 pro-democracy protests in China. On September 10, police froze HK$2.2 million (US$ 282,850) worth of assets of the Alliance. On the same day, the Hong Kong secretary for security informed the Alliance that the government is planning to revoke the Alliance’s registration with the Company Registrar, which will effectively disband the group.
Human rights and fundamental freedoms are enshrined in Hong Kong’s de facto constitution, the Basic Law. These rights are also guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which is incorporated into Hong Kong’s legal framework via the Basic Law and expressed in the Bill of Rights Ordinance. The ICCPR protects the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly, among other basic liberties.
Concerned governments should impose coordinated, targeted sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, on Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, Police Chief Raymond Siu, Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung and other Chinese and Hong Kong officials responsible for the attacks on the Hong Kong Alliance, the groups said. Those governments should also issue coordinated public statements expressing concern about attacks on civic groups more generally. Over the long term, they should provide assistance to groups outside Hong Kong and China to archive and publish materials, including slogans, artworks, and political content, that are now banned or barred in Hong Kong, particularly those related to the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre.
“Hong Kong and mainland authorities should not be able to ban commemorations, shutter museums, and jail peaceful critics without paying a price,” Jianli Yang said.
“Governments appalled by the rapidly deteriorating human rights situation in Hong Kong should make their opposition felt.”
- Action Free Hong Kong Montreal 滿地可撐香港行動
- Alliance Canada Hong Kong 加拿大香港聯盟
- Association of the New School for Democracy 華人民主書院
- Bay Area Friends of Tibet 舊金山灣區西藏之友
- Boston Tibet Network 波士頓西藏網路
- Cambridge Stands With Hong Kong (UK) 康橋撐香港,英國
- Cadal – Argentina 拉丁美洲開放與發展中心 阿根廷分會
- Canada-Hong Kong Link 香港加拿大聯盟 (港加聯)
- China Aid Association 對華援助協會
- China Against the Death Penalty 中國廢除死刑推動聯盟
- China Change 改變中國
- China Political Prisoners Concern Group, HK 中國政治犯關注組,香港
- Chinese Human Rights Defenders 中國人權捍衛者
- Citizen Power Initiatives for China 中國公民力量
- Comité pour la Liberté à Hong Kong 香港自由委員會
- D4HK (UK) 民主香港,英國
- DC4HK China 華盛頓特區撐香港
- Dialogue China 對話中國
- ECO Tibet Ireland 愛爾蘭生態西藏組織
- Freedom House 自由之家
- Germany Stands with Hong Kong 德國學生撐香港
- Global Alliance for Tibet & Persecuted Minorities (GATPM) 全球西藏和受迫害少數民族聯盟
- Grupo de Apoio ao Tibete-Portugal 西藏葡萄牙支援小組
- Hong Kong Committee in Norway 挪威香港委員會
- Hong Kong Democracy Council 香港民主委員會
- Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles 香港論壇,洛杉磯
- Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston 波士頓香港人權組織
- Hong Kong Watch 香港監察
- Human Rights in China 中國人權
- Human Rights Watch 人權觀察
- Humanitarian China 人道中國
- International Campaign for Tibet 國際聲援西藏運動
- International Service for Human Rights 國際人權服務社
- International Society for Human Rights, Munich Chapter國際人權協會 慕尼黑分會
- International Tibet Network 國際西藏網路
- Judicial Reform Foundation 民間司法改革基金會
- Kong Club
- LUNGTA - Actief voor Tibet
- Netherlands for Hong Kong 荷蘭撐香港
- New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong (NY4HK) 紐約撐香港
- Northern California Hong Kong Club 北加州香港會
- Safeguard Defenders 保護衛士
- Santa Barbara Friends of Tibet 聖塔芭芭拉西藏之友
- SEArious for HKG 西雅圖西港民主監察小組
- Students for a Free Tibet 自由西藏學生運動
- Swedish Tibet Committee 瑞典西藏委員會
- Swiss Tibetan Friendship Association 瑞士西藏友好協會
- Taiwan Association for Human Rights, TAHR 台灣人權促進會
- Taiwan Hong Kong Association 台灣香港協會
- Taiwan Forever Association, TFA 永社
- Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network 臺灣聲援中國人權律師網絡
- The Taiwan United Nations Alliance 台灣聯合國協進會
- The Tibet Support Committee, Denmark 西藏支援協會,丹麥
- Tibet Initiative Deutschland德國西藏倡議
- Tibet Justice Center 西藏正義中心
- Toronto Association for Democracy in China 多倫多支持中國民運會
- Torontonian HongKongers Action Group 多倫多香港人行動小組
- US-Tibet Committee 美國西藏委員會
- Uyghur Human Rights Project 維吾爾人權項目
- Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation 共產主義受難者紀念基金會
- Vancouver Hong Kong Forum Society 溫哥華香港協進會
- Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement 溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會